Environment & Health

Climate change, ecological degradation, displacement, violence, harmful marketing, and growing inequalities threaten the future of children's health and well-being everywhere.

WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission – A Future for the World’s Children (link below)

Learn about Environmental Degradation and Human Health

Never before has humanity’s footprint on Earth’s natural systems been so large. Since 1950, the human population has increased by nearly 200%; fossil fuel by over 550%; and marine capture by over 350%. We’ve cleared nearly 50% of all forests, use nearly 50% of all freshwater and have appropriated about 50% of the planet’s liveable surface for agriculture. Biodiversity is being lost at an estimated 150 species becoming extinct every day. And this is all affecting our health.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, and other factors affect where, when, and how intensely infectious diseases emerge. Increased drought, extreme storms, and declining pollinators make it harder to grow nutritious food, making people susceptible to malnutrition and disease. Air pollution from industrial emissions and smoke from fires to clear forests are causing cardiorespiratory illnesses. Extreme storms are causing loss of lives and livelihoods and witnessing the degradation of our world is having severe consequences for our mental health.

Indeed, today's children face an uncertain future. Climate change, ecological degradation, displacement, violence, harmful marketing, and growing inequalities threaten the future of children's health and well-being everywhere. Everything is connected and what we do to the planet comes back to affect us. Understanding and acting upon these challenges call for massive collaboration across disciplinary and national boundaries to safeguard the health of human civilisation and the state of the natural systems on which it depends. Collectively, this is known as planetary health.

Continue reading: Learn about Climate Communication, Journals & Newsletters.

Lessons and resources for leaders and their teams

Climate Basics

Transformative capacity entails stakeholder collaboration, resourcefulness, planning, and sustainable resources.


Climate Science

Understanding how human activity has disturbed the equilibrium will motivate you, and empower you to lead differently.


Environment & Health

Biodiversity is being lost at an estimated 150 species becoming extinct every day. And this is all affecting our health.


Climate Communication

Misleading content distorts the perception of climate science and solutions, creating confusion, and can lead to harm.


Climate Connection

We need to listen to our hearts and the hearts of others, to remind each other how to feel things again and reinstate a culture of care.


ESG & Investment

The amount of ESG information provided by rating agencies, and auditing and consulting firms has grown exponentially.


Associations & Certifications